Monday, August 2, 2010

Movie Magic in Oakland

Extra Ticket to get on the Moneyball Set

Emily 1 and Emily 2 getting ready to check in
2 hours later-Emily 1 is so over this
Brad's Out There! Emily2 Got So Excited-which is why its blurry!
On Tuesday, my dad told me he heard on the news that they need extras for the new Brad Pitt movie, Moneyball, which was filming at the Oakland Coliseum. Well, he actually told me that there was a Johnny Depp movie filming in Oakland and I figured out the rest from Google. The movie is called  Moneyball, and follows the Oakland A's 2001-2002 season. I guess the owner put together a team on "shoe string budget" by baseball standards, they managed to win the division and set the record for consecutive wins with 20 wins-which still hasn't been beaten. It stars Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.They are filming at the stadium for the next two weeks, and I signed up for Thursday from 4:30 pm to 11:45 pm for three people. I took the "Emily's"-Emily 1 is my friend from high school and Emily 2 is Andrew's sister.  We figured it would be a lot of sitting and standing around but we had no idea what we were in for. It took two hours to get checked in and after that we just sat around in the stands for awhile before we got to see anything interesting. Once filming got started it was pretty exciting-we were filming the scene from the 20th game of the streak when the A's gave up a 10 run lead-in the 9th making the score 11-11-then Scott Hatteberg hits a homer in the 9th and the crowd goes wild-we were that crowd. We filmed the scene were the disgruntled team enters the dugout and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (the coach) gives some sort of "just do it" speech to Scott Hatteberg, who goes out to win the game. I'm pretty sure we are in the shot where he goes to get his bat-we might be a little blurry but we should be there.  I think Emily 1 had enough of all of the waiting and was over it pretty early in the evening, but she got more into it when BRAD and ANGELINA showed up! Brad wasn't filming any scene's while we were there, but he came out and waved to us-just us not the rest of the extras that were there.

Picture of the "Set"

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